Meeting in English – How To Manage Bad Connections On The Phone In English

Busy Professionals And How To Manage Bad Connections On The Phone In English
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As a busy professional you’re used to making and receiving calls when you’re out of the office. You could be using hands free in the car or speaking on the train or metro.
Now imagine you’re expecting an important phone call from a client or supplier.
You have prepared for the phone call and feel confident to speak in English. When suddenly there’s a bad connection due to bad network coverage, airport interference, going through a tunnel, etc.
In your own language this is no problem because you know exactly what to say. However in English, this situation stresses you out and you get blocked in English.
So I thought how can I help you and everybody in our TETC community.
How to manage bad connections on the phone in English – 5 useful phrases in English:
- I’m travelling and the reception is not good. If we lose the connection I’ll call you right back.
- I’m on the metro so if we get cut off, I’ll call you straight back.
- Sorry it is a really bad connection. Can I call you back in five minutes?
- Sorry can you hear me? It’s a bad line. Let me call you back when I have better reception.
- Sorry it’s too noisy. Let me find a quiet place and I’ll call you back in two minutes.
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