Main reasons why people don’t feel confident speaking up in meetings in English. - The English Training Company

Main reasons why people don’t feel confident speaking up in meetings in English.

Main reasons why people don’t feel confident speaking up in meetings in English.

Which one is yours?

Recognising our fears is the first step to overcoming them and taking action. These are the main reasons we hear in our training:


  1. Worried about “going blank” in English and have nothing to say. (“quedarse en blanco”)
  2. Don’t have the right vocabulary to express themselves at the right moment in the meeting, so they keep quiet.
  3. Worried about making mistakes and people judging that “their English” is not good enough.
  4. Don’t want to ask a question that has already been answered or could make them look bad.
  5. Feel really nervous when certain people are in the meeting, like ‘native English speaking’ colleagues or managers.




? Desbloquea la confianza en inglés más rápido dentro de tu empresa practicando con simulaciones online.


Solicitar demo de Speaking Bootcamps + Online Simulations (simulaciones online).




? Unblock speaking confidence in English faster in your company by practising online simulations.


Ask for a demo of ‘Speaking Bootcamps + Online Simulations’.




The English Training Company

www. englishtco. com


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This post was written by Christopher Wright and published on 11th May 2023 under the categories: Fluency, Confidence and Motivation, Meeting In English Tips
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